Computer Science Capstone

Computer Science Capstone Design

Assignment: Capstone Poster


A poster presentation allows you to distill your work into a small form-factor, thus making you focus on the essence of the problem you're solving and the key aspects of your solution. As part of your poster presentation session, you will have the chance to offer an overview and discuss your work with large number of scientists and engineers from a variety of disciplines.

In your case, you will be discussing the planning and development on which you have been working, rather than a finished product, but the outcome of showing your poster is the same. You want to interest other folks in what you are doing, and you want to show them what you have done.

While different projects have different needs, you should consider including some or all of the following sections in your poster, as appropriate for your project and in consultation with your mentor. The following is not a set of requirements, but intended to give you a general sense of some information elements you should consider including:

Preparation: How to make an effective poster

Anyone can develop some old poster; developing a truly effective poster is a valuable skill that will serve you well during your career. To make a poster that works, you have to simultaneously satisfy several overall aims:

Realizing all three of these goals in a single, elegant poster is not easy! The most common mistake with posters is trying to put in every last detail of the project, packing them way way full of tons of dense text to read. You will see a lot of these at Capstone...but hopefully not from CS projects! People browsing posters are not into reading pages of detail...they are browsing! Instead, focus on getting them interested at a considerable distance...and then drawing them in for a closer look...and then giving enough detail to encourage them to ask you a question.

Here are a few tips for making your poster a good one:

Start your poster early! Develop a draft and run it by your mentor for some pointers. Check out posters in the hallways of Engineering and around SICCS as examples with consideration for the fact that these are completed projects.

Can we have a template?

Use your resources! Don't invent your poster from scratch! There are plenty of templates available, plus other great resources for learning how to make good posters. These notes are provided here for ideas but they are all for completed projects so keep that in mind:

Getting your poster printed

Follow the instructions on the CS 476 Course Schedule
