Jonathan Armijo
Project Manager
Jonathan Armijo is a senior in Mechanical Engineering at NAU and will be graduating in Spring 2022. Upon graduation, Jonathan plans to work for TRAX International as a testing engineer where he will be testing munitions and vehicles for the US Military.
Leah Blakney
Test and Manufacturing Engineer
Leah Blakney is a senior in the Mechanical Engineering department of Northern Arizona University. She is the Test Engineer for this project. Throughout her college career, she has enjoyed her Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamic courses. Upon graduation, Leah plans to work for Bechtel on the Natrium nuclear reactor and energy system in Reston, Virginia.
William Shields
Financial and Logistics
William Shields is a senior in the mechanical engineering department at Northern Arizona University. Next steps begin with completing courses in the fall which will be followed by graduation. Employment will then be the next step where engineering companies in Phoenix and Southern California will be exciting options.
Griffin Brandt
Design and Manufacturing Engineer
Griffin Brandt is a senior in the Mechanical Engineering department of Northern Arizona University. His area of focus is fluid and thermal systems which include Computational Fluid Dynamics, Thermal Energy, and Aerospace technologies. In Fall 2022 he will start his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering working under Dr. Peter Vadasz in the area of study in suspension of copper nanoparticles.