NAU Aero Micro 2020 - 2021


Project Description

The SAE Aero Micro Class competition is a collegiate engineering competition that will challenge undergraduate teams from various universities to a real-world design challenge. This challenged is greatly influenced by the needs of the modern professional world and the engineering challenges that must be resolved in modern society. The challenge set out by this competition will allow undergraduate engineering students to apply their skills of designing, manufacturing, simulating, prototyping, etc. to develop a craft that will meet or exceed the given criteria while complying to the constraints and parameters. The main objective of this competition is to design and construct a remote-control aircraft that is able to safely transport the most payload while maintaining the lowest dry-weight of the craft. This simple, but incredibly complex goal, is one of the great aerospace challenges of the modern world and improved designs for this constrain are highly sought after by major aerospace companies.



Project Rules

Click here to view the 2021 SAE Aero rules.

Team Schedule

Click here to view the team's schedule through the Gantt Chart.

Project Location

Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona