Retractable Pool Cover

Our Client

Brian E. Herzog
Founder and Former President/CEO
Frontline Energy Services
Personal Professional Biography
Brian E. Herzog is currently investing and active in the development and marketing of another start up company developing bio-medical devices for the purpose of high blood pressure denervation and cancer treatment.  Prior to selling Frontline Energy Services in February of 2014, Mr. Herzog was acting President and Founder of Frontline Energy Services, which provides professional and technical services to the energy industry throughout the United States.  The Company’s primary focus has been providing supplementary technical and management personnel to assist Utility Project Owners and Developers during both the conceptual and implementation phases of new projects. Typical positions in the utility industry include: Project Managers, Engineers, Analysts, Cost Control Managers, Schedulers, and Project Developers.  Frontline also performs defined scope work, such as complete Project Management Services, full scope Startup Services, Operator Training, O&M Procedure Development, and Inspection Services.
Mr. Herzog has over 30 years of experience in natural gas related and energy industries. Prior to founding Frontline Energy Services, Mr. Herzog was employed as the Director of Operation, and as Project Manager in charge of major gas build-outs in Arizona. 
Mr. Herzog was acting General Manager for LNG Energy, a subsidiary of Southwest Gas Corporation.  He has assisted in lobbying Congress and the Arizona State Legislature and had developed a close relationship with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and other legislators in Arizona.  He has worked for more than ten years in the Engineering Department at SWG.