The NAU Department of Dental Hygiene provides humanitarian services in some remote areas of the world. These remote areas sometimes have limited access to electricity. In December, a team of students and professors of the Department of Dental Hygiene will be travelling to Mainpat, India to work on teeth. To get the work done, they will need to use the Wig-L-Bug, a device that mixes dental filling material.
The Wig-L-Bug requires electricity to run. Because there will not be electric power available, the team will need to bring a portable power source with them. This power source must be able to power the Wig-L-Bug ten hours a day for two weeks, without any downtime. It needs to be a convenient size and weight, so that it can be easily transported.
Currently, the Department of Dental Hygiene has no way to operate the Wig-L-Bug in areas with no electricity. In the past, they tried to use dental filling compounds that could be mixed by hand, but they were not satisfied with the results. The Department of Dental Hygiene wants to use the Wig-L-Bug to get consistent mixtures of the filler material.
There is no off-the-shelf substitute for the Wig-L-Bug that is capable of operating without electricity. Also, there is no off-the-shelf power supply that meets the needs of the Department of Dental Hygiene.
The goal of the capstone design team is to build a fully functioning power source that meets the requirements of the Department of Dental Hygiene. The capstone team will not be designing a model that is to be produced on a commercial scale. The power supply will be designed for a production run of only one or two units.
The Design team will build a power supply capable of powering the Wig-L-Bug for an entire workday. The power supply will be small and light, so that it can be carried conveniently. It will be durable enough for rough transport. It will require no maintenance for the duration of the trip to Mainpat. While meeting all objectives and constraints, it will be as cheap as possible.