This is the landing page for the bioelectric generator designed
by team Ionic Hearts. We are designing a bioelectric generator
to meet our senior capstone requirement, to pass the Gore's
(the host company) expectations, and to eventually help peope in
need of a product like this.
To read more about what this project is in detail, please click on
the Project Description tab at the top. To learn more about the team, please
click on the Team Members tab instead.
What are some benefits?
Pacemakers are one of many technological advancements that have allowed humanity to have
an increased lifespan and helps those in need live with a higher quality of life. While
pacemaker technology has evolved to allow them to last almost up to 10 years, they still
require an invasive surgery to have the battery replaced after those 10 years.
Our device aims to eliminate the need for that invasive replacement surgery entirely while
also providing the patient with some piece of mind via statistical and measured data.
The wireless charger that is currently under development by team Ionic Hearts aims to charge
the battery through the skin with a smart-phone sized wireless charger. The charger will
also communicate wirelessly with the battery inside the patient to gather valuable data
such as battery charge, battery health, and circuit health. The data can also be made
available to be accessed from your cell phone so your loved ones can rest as assured as
you are. Doctors will also have the ability to view the pacemaker's data (opt in) and can
remind you or encourage you to charge the battery, or seek medical attention in the case of
an emergency.
We with team Ionic Hearts look to improve how people live with different types of arrhythmia,
and it starts with this.
David Short during the first brainstorming session for the logic determining when to charge. The circuit we designed to start charging the battery when its charge reaches 1.5 Volts (half charge) and stops charging when it reaches 3.0 Volts (full charge). This circuit only depicts the logic on when to charge the battery, and not the method for power generation itself. This is still a work in progress.