1. Turn on air compressor under SMU until it reads 50 psi for stabilization of the micromanipulator probes
2. Put on gloves and grounding wristbands. Place wafer on the chuck, have etched half circle at the top of the chuck.
3. With the wafer safely placed, switch the vacuum suction on to keep the wafer in place.
4. Zoom in micromachine, finding the block you’d like to test.
5. Using the micromanipulator probes, test the diagonal squares 1 - 32.
6. For each diagonal, test the cell for continuity using easyEXPERT using Classic Test
a. If R > 1MOhms & V < 2.5V: Good
b. If R < 1MOhms: Short
c. If V >= 2.5V: Open