An Analysis of Zero Net Energy Homes on the Arizona Distribution Grid
We would like to extend our appreciation to our sponsor for allowing us to work on this project.
Salt River Project
Southern Arizona Utility Company
We would like to extend our appreciation to our mentors for the opportunity to work on this project.
Venkata Yaramasu, PhD
Research interests: Wind and photovoltaic energy, high power converters, model predictive control, smart grids, and smart homes
Truong Nghiem, PhD
Research interests: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) challenges, smart energy systems; safe autonomous systems
We would like to extend our appreciation to our Graduate Student for all his hard work on this project.
Kristiyan Milev, MSE Student
Graduate Research Assistant, NAU Advanced Motors Power Electronics and Renewable Energy (AMPERE) Laboratory
Research interests: Renewable energy and power electronics
Hasan Alsinafi- Electrical Engineer
Hao Du- Electrical Engineer
Alana Keith- Electrical Engineer
Leah Wellman- Electrical Engineer