Capstone Presentation Information



                                                                            NAU Skydome                                                                                                    

                                                                            Lots 66 and 65

                                                                                                                                                        Lot 64

                                                                                                                                                        Lot 45


                                                                                                                                                        Lot 46




Conference Brochure


Design Conference Capstone Presentations:

Time and Date: April 29; Formal presentation of the HHBST 10:20 - 10:50;Poster sessions 1:30 - 3:00

Locations: Presentation: Meadows Room DuBois Conference Center

                 Poster Session: DuBois Ballroom 2nd Floor DuBois Conference Center. 

Parking Information: The DuBois Center is building 64 on the map above. The best parking would be in lots 45 and 46 however it is likely these lots will be full, from there the best lots would be the the Skydome lot named P66 and P65 on the map above, or P64 which is across the street from the Skydome lot on the map above.  The Skydome is building 73 on the map above to give a reference point.
