System Overview:  
Today's medical clinic can be a busy, fast-paced environment. In order to effectively attend to patients, the clinic must be able to maximize exam room use. Also, to make medical treatment affordable, most clinics must devise a plan to optimize the staff workflow.

To understand how an electronic system can improve a medical clinic organization, lets look into what typically happens at such a facility. When a patient enters a medical clinic, he or she fills out forms which include history and identification. The clinic staff then determines if there is a room available via an electronic system. If there is one available, a medical assistant will accompany the patient to the room where vital signs are taken and recorded. When the patient occupies a room the electronic system can record when the patient arrived and indicate that the patient is in the room. Since there are few nurses and even fewer doctors, the electronic system will determine which patient is to be seen by the next available nurse. When the nurse arrives, he or she will examine the patient and record information and conclusions for the doctor. The electronic system will record when the nurse was with the patient and determine which patient is next. The electronic system can also serve as an indicator to let staff know the patient is ready after changing to avoid embarrassing situations. Now, the next available doctor (determined by the electronic system) enters the room and examines the patient. The electronic system will record when the doctor was with the patient and determines the next awaiting patient. The doctor prescribes the course of treatment, and the patient leaves the room. Now the electronic system indicates the room needs to be cleaned. A staff member cleans the room and the electronic system indicates the room is ready for another patient.