Our capstone project is focusing on a web app called GeoStac. GeoStac provides users with spatial data on multiple different celestial bodies such as Mars, Earth, Jupiter and many more. Spatial data is data that references a specific geographical area or location such as a canyon on a map. GeoStac provides users with the ability to visually view and download spatial data from these maps. Currently though these maps only offer raster data and aren't making use of vector data that the USGS team has put together. As a team we will be looking to implement vector data into GeoStac so not only can it be visualized but used by the users as well. As of right now we are planning on implementing the vector data using third party technologies to display this vector data to the map. We plan on using this third party technology to visualize the data into GeoStac. By implementing this feature we will be able to offer users a visual representation of the data alongside the statistical data. We will also need to add more components to the website, such as UI, in order for users to easily access and use the vector data.