Team Standards Doc.

Document created to define the expectation of teammates on how the team will fucntion through the project.

Team Inventory Doc.

Document displaying each team members talents, capabilites, and experience.

Tech Feasibility Doc.

Document going through F.I.S.H project technical feasibility, specifically constraints and potential technological challenges.

Requirements Specification Document Doc.

Document providing description of F.I.S.H project's functional and non-functional requirements.

Mini Intro Video

Video designed as elevator pitch for our project and projected solution.

Design Review 1 Presentation

PDF version of presentation providing an update on our progress in semester 1 development.

Final Software Design Doc.

Document containing a description of your project's overall architectural design as well as the design of each major module.

Software Testing Plan Doc.

Document that outlines activities that are aimed at ensuring that your project's implementation exhibits the necessary functional and non-functional characteristics.

Design Review 2 Video

Video providing an update on our progress in semester 2 development.

UGRADS Presentation

PDF version of powerpoint presentation being presented at UGRADS Seminar.


PDF version of poster being presented at UGRADS Seminar.

Program Download

Download our program here!

Final Mini-Video

Mini video formatted like an elevator pitch describing our product and use case.