
As the years have gone by we have seen an increase in the use of autonomous robots in many different fields. They've been used for food delivery, vacuuming, lawn mowing, assembly line manufacturing, and so much more. It's the autonomous nature of these robots that make it a rising interest in Computer Science. Unfortunately, higher education institutions have not been able to keep up with this rising trend due to a lack of non-proprietary software and hardware. There are non-trivial simulators and limited functionality robots in the classroom setting, but there is great limitation in thse provided tools compared to a more hands-on approach. What if we had a higher standard for robotics software? What if there was a way to integrate more of this at an "affordable" cost? When we say affordable, it's important to denote that this means affordable in terms of the average household, not that of an academic organization.


With a growing robotics industry, we have to make sure that our next generation is prepared to handle this vigorous industry shift. With an accompanying lack of proprietary software and hardware, we are prepared to change this for students everywhere.


A robotics platform that is modular and robust for multiple applications and tasks. Basically we created software that be configured to a wide variety of robots in which can be easily programmed to perform various tasks and programs, such as a tour!


Acedamia does not have easyily accessed robotics resources, so we aim to make something so simple to use, that anyone can do it with a low budget. We hope that this project will be a foundation for future projects in which the software can be built upon.

More about the Client

Our sponsor, Michael E. Leverington, is an assistant teaching professor at Northern Arizona University involved in both Computer Science research as well as teaching beginner and advanced courses. Needless to say, he sees this problem as untapped potential for what Computer Science education could possibly be. To solve this issue, he has been attempting for years to create both a robot capable of being modular in its use and programmability and modular software implementing a basic navigational component.

More about the Hardware

Michael recently came up with the idea of using the IRobot Create 3 to help test the navigational software components. The Create 3 is a small circular robot with similar sensors and capabilities to that of a Roomba vacuum, a common robot found in society today. The Create 3 is a relatively cheap (under $500) solution, and easily accessible to those with computer access. It comes standard with basic mobility actuators and a variety of sensors, all which can be programmed to complete user decided tasks. Team F.E.A.T. is dedicated to creating a robotics platform that can be programmed as needed to a variety of similarly functioning robots, which we'll elaborate more on later. Aside from creating a modular platform, it will show proof of concept and function as a tour guide for the 2023-2024 academic year at Northern Arizona University. See More Info for details on the Create3 Robot.

Where to Begin?

We begin this challenge by looking at the previous versions of the project which have ended in failure to see what lessons we could learn. One previous team did not actually have access to a functioning robot, yet this team was the one that came the closest to accomplishing the goal. Of course with the addition of the Create 3 robot, the project does vary in multiple aspects, but the major milestone continues to be the software navigational component. This change, while useful for F.E.A.T., is not the only problem the project has encountered in past iterations. Multiple teams' failures have stemmed from many areas, but the biggest and most glaring issue seems to be with their original feasibility reports. More specifically it was their focus on one specific aspect of their robots sensor capabilities to control navigation. So where do we begin? First we had get familiar with the Create3 Robot

See Solution for more details on how we did it!