Mini Intro Video
Project Overview
Self-driving vehicles are a field currently undergoing major innovation, with the potential for massive changes to the global economy. However, programming them requires an in-depth knowledge of programming languages such as Python and C++. Our sponser, Dr. Truong Nghiem, wants to create a Summer camp course that teaches this technology to middle school aged children. For this, he needs a simpler way of programming. That's why we developed a visual programming tool, that represents blocks of Python and C++ code as visual blocks that students can drag and drop. This would allow for children to be introduced to programming self-driving vehicles at a much younger age.
Envisioned Solution
The team has built a visual programming tool using Blockly that allows users to send programs to a connected Duckiebot.

This is the first page a user will see. It asks for important connectivity info in order for the application to connect to the correct Duckiebot.

Once connectivity information is provided, then the user will be taken to the programming area. In this area, a user can create a program for a Duckiebot to complete.

Here is a photo of the Duckietown section of the toolbox. It contains all blocks needed to interact with the Duckiebot in different ways.

The user can also save, load, and create a new project or reset their connection with a Duckiebot through a menu above the toolbox.