Team Inventory
An introduction to the team and their personal experience
Software Testing Plan v1.0
The aim of this paper is to lay out the checks that will be used to ensure that the program works as intended and meets the clients' expectations.
Software Design Document v1.0
The purpose of this paper is to sketch out our software's design, including architecture and a detailed list of all functionality.
Team Standards
This is an outline for the expectations of our team's performance, which includes our roles, meeting times, etc.
Mini Introduction Video
Video introduction which goes over our team's project
Technical Feasibility
Analysis of Technologies our team intends to use for the project
Requirements Specifications
Set requirements explained in detail and agreed upon by both the team and client.
Design Review 1
A presentation of our first Design Review that briefly explains key features and requirements as well as our plan for the development process.
Software Design Document
Details about the VirusWatch modules, interfaces, and implementation plan.
Design Review 2
A presentation of our second Design Review that briefly summarizes the overview of our solutions and implementations as well as our plan for the next step in our development process.
Technological Feasibility Analysis
This paper lays out our strategy for describing the Challenges, Technological Analysis, and Technology Integration.
Design Review 3
The aim of this presentation is to examine our project's architecture, provide a high-level outline of our specifications, and demonstrate an in-depth breakdown of one of our requirements. It even looks at the testing that will be done.