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Team Members:



Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development

Kelly Roberts, Ph.D., Executive Director
Jill Pleasant, MA, OTR/L Associate Director

Our sponsors work to enable people with disabilities to fully participate in all life experiences, to promote full inclusion by advancing attitudes that value persons with disabilities, and to enhance access to all aspects of the human experience.


Team Mentor

Fabio M A Santos

Ph.D. Student, Developer & Teacher Assistant @NAU

Project Introduction

There are millions of people in the United States that are currently having difficulties due to disabilities. The advancement of technology can either help alleviate these disabilities, or assist people with them. Technology can help people complete tasks that have become difficult. However, most of them are unaware that there is technology out there that can help them.

  • Over 65 million Americans age 60+ (~20%)
  • 23 million (35%) of these have at least one disability
  • 1000’s of AT (Assistive Technologies) devices available

Currently, people who may benefit from assistive technologies would need to meet with a real person who is knowledgeable in what is available to help them find something that can help them live more easily or more comfortably at home.

Too many AT to choose from

Project Goal

The goal for this project is to build a mobile app to help users find assistive technologies that will allow them to live comfortably in their own home.

This app will focus on user difficulties in the home. Using some general difficulties combined with a location in the home, the app will provide recommendations to make the user's life easier, safer, or more comfortable. It will also give useful tips and advice that don't require expensive devices. We hope that through using this app, people will find new ways to live their lives comfortably staying at home.


This section contains the demo of the mobile application. Follow Seth as he shows the features of the app and how it can be used to help with any AT needs!

Video Presentation

Screenshot of the welcome screen of our demo app