Our Solution:

Our team will be gutting the existing WearWare 1.0 project and rewriting the entire UI as well as making any improvements to the backend and database as we see fit. One of these backend improvements that we will be making is implementing an API for authenticated users to request data for specific users within a date range. This will lead us to a product that will work much better for our sponsors.

The UI improvements will help Dr. Winfree complete his research more easily and with less headaches. The backend improvements will also help him as there are currently some pages that take a long time to export data.

The addition of an API will help Dr. Dominick receive data much more quicly and efficiently. Currently the process of getting the data is very inefficient and requires a lot of manual work. With the addition of an API, Dr. Dominick will be able to collect data rapidly and autonomously with the help of scripts written by his team in Delaware.