
Project Description

This is the project description, as initially posted with all other available projects.

Team Inventory

This document serves as an "inventory" for our team's overall skillset.
It provides various information such as professional experience,
courses taken, as well as a few personal interests.

Team Standards

This document outlines the specific standards as decided and voted on by
all team members. It contains explicit information on the format of meetings,
general roles of team members, late policies, process of disciplinary actions,
version control, word processing/document standards, and more.

Technological Feasibility Analysis

This document outlines a number of challenges we predict our team will encounter
throughout the course of the semester.

Requirements Specification

This document outlines the specific requirements that both our team and our sponsors agreed to.
The requirements detailed in this document will guide us throughout our capstone work this year,
and will serve as the basis of our software project.

Design Review #1

This file consists of the slides our team created to support our first Design Review presentation.
This presentation occured in November of 2018.

Software Design Document

This document is an extensive description of the architectural design of our software system.

Design Review #2

This file consists of the slides our team created to support our second Design Review presentation.
This presentation occured in February of 2019.

MAB Plugin Documentation

This document discusses the architecture required to develop a plugin for our system.

Software Testing Plan

This document aims at ensuring that MAB's implementation exhibits the necessary functional and non-functional characteristics.

Design Review #3

This file consists of the slides our team created to support our third Design Review presentation.
This presentation occured in April of 2019.

Team Amadeus UGRADS Poster

This document is a poster presentation which distills our work into a small form-factor,
this includes the essence of the problem we are solving and the key aspects of our solution.