Proficient Speech Analysis Tool
The goal of this team is twofold: Create a web portal for users to upload audio samples to be analyzed by Praat software scripts. The website will take the audio files and analyze them using Praat and return important features of the audio sample.
The second part is to develop a machine learning program that is based on the ToBI (Tone and Break Indices) speech annotation model. We will be using AuToBi, a java toolkit that analyzes audio files using this model. We will calculate the prosodic measures from this and then determine proficiency using Weka, a Java Machine Learning API.
Josh Shaffer
Team Lead, Coder, Communications, Website
Luis Montes
Coder (Node.js), Release Manager, Code Reviewer
Erik Strauss
Coder (Matlab), Team Website, Architect
Matthew Quintana
Coder, Recorder, Editor
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