The Skunk River Water Trail runs through Story County, Iowa, acting as a river corridor that provides multiple recreation opportunities for visitors and a home for local wildlife. Story County Conservation is seeking a bridge that will connect trails within Peterson Park. Mark Lamer, the client for this project, has requested that the model bridge compete in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Intermountain Southwest Student Symposium (ISWS). At the competition, a 1:10 scale model of the bridge will be constructed and presented with an accompanying poster. The assembled bridge will be loaded, scored, and judged based on its performance in a variety of categories such as construction economy, structural efficiency, and overall performance. Upon successfully passing the loading tests, the bridge will be deemed effective and ready for future implementation in Peterson Park. The bridge model will be designed and fabricated at the Northern Arizona University (NAU) campus, as shown in the pictures to the left. The bridge members will be taken to the ISWS which will take place in Tucson, Arizona at the University of Arizona campus.
The constraints for this project were set by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 2025 Official Student Steel Bridge Competition Rules. These rules identify the criteria that the bridge must meet, such as height and length, as well as what can not be used in the bridge such as different connection types. Click on the link below to see more about the rules and constraints for this project.
Task 3.1 Title Block and Cover Sheet Task 3.2 Required Views Task 3.3 Connection Details Task 3.4 General Structural Notes Task 3.5 Materials Schedule
TASK 4: Subconsultant coordination and fabrication
Task 4.1 Coordination with Page Steel Task 4.2 Coordination with Copper State Nut and Bolt Task 4.3 Coordination with Flagstaff High School Welding Task 4.4 Team Fabrication
TASK 5: Competition preparation
Task 5.1 Practice Bridge Assembly Task 5.2 Create Poster
Using the project scope and task that were developed, a schedule was created. On the schedule the start and end dates for each task are listed. Certain tasks were identified as critical tasks, meaning that delayed completion of those tasks will lead to delay in the overall completion of the project.
A licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and Structural Engineer (SE) with at least 10 years of experience. The Senior Engineer will oversee the project and its completion, including the approval of each major task. Quality assurance will be the main responsibility of the Senior Engineer, ensuring all technical work including the final report meet the needs of the client
Project Engineer
A licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and Structural Engineer (SE) with at least 6 years of experience. The Project Engineer will be the project manager for this project and will be responsible for most of the technical work, including bridge design, modeling, connection design, and shop drawings. Throughout the project the Project Engineer may delegate tasks to the EIT and Drafter. The Project Engineer will also be responsible for updating the Senior Engineer on any relevant progress that has been made for quality assurance.
Engineer in Training
The Engineer in Training (EIT) has one to two years of experience and is a certified EIT. The EIT will work closely with the Project Engineer to gain experience in the field. Work completed by the EIT may include research, design, modeling, and shop drawings. Each of the tasks will be overseen by the PEs on the project.
The Drafter has a least 2 years of experience working with drafting for a variety of projects related to civil and structural engineering. The main role of the drafter will be to create the shop drawings once the bridge design has been completed. During the design phase, the drafter may also assist with modeling the bridge.
A cost of services was developed for this project. Within this cost is four categories: staffing, supplies, subcontracting, and travel. The total cost of this project is $102,659.00