The Chiricahua National monument was stablished in 1924 with the goal of protecting its natural rock structures such as hoodoos and balancing rocks.​ Every year the monument offers its services to thousands of visitors and volunteers. The team aims for the development of green property to include concrete RV pads and a gravel roadway for compliant access for the pads. ​The design will address drainage to prevent flooding and erosion while guaranteeing the structures are also suitable for the area's soil and usage needs. The final design will meet all of the National Park Services and client requirements.

Project Location

Project Location

The national monument is located in the Southeast corner of Ariz​ona, about 30 miles southeast of Willcox

Project Location

The project site is on the east side of Pinery Canyon Rd, a well-maintained gravel road just off Arizona State Route 181. Both the monument entrance and sign are located at the intersection of the aforementioned roads,

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Project Constraints

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Project Tasks

Task 1: Site Visit

A site visit will be completed to see general conditions of the site and gather necessary information for design and analysis of the project. Visiting it will allow the team to get a better understanding of the site conditions, like grading, brush, distance from power lines between the site and road, current drainage conditions, and conditions of the existing wash on the northern border of the site.

  • Task 1.1: Pre-visit Planning 
  • Task 1.2: Existing Infrastructure 
  • Task 1.3: Surveying 
  • Task 1.4: Soil Sample Collection
Task 2: Geotechnical Analysis

A good understanding of the soil present at the site is required in order to develop a design that will satisfy and fit the project necessities. Multiple samples will be transported from the site to the NAU lab for analysis.

  • Task 2.1: Lab Access 
  • Task 2.2: Soil Proctor Compaction Test 
  • Task 2.3: Sieve Test
Task 3: Survey Data Analysis 

The performed survey will provide the team with critical information about the site such topographic data, existing features of the site, as well as geographic boundaries of the site. All data will be imported into Civil 3D in order to generate a topographic map of the site. All features and infrastructure present will be included for accuracy purposes.

Task 4: Hydrologic Analysis

Relevant rain data and watershed characteristics will be collected and utilized to model to asses the water distribution at the site. Software will be utilized to determine the total runoff which will affect the design process of the project.

  • Task 4.1: Watershed Delineation
  • Task 4.2: Determine Runoff Parameters 
  • Task 4.3: Determine Runoff
Task 5: Preliminary Design Development

Once all the available data has been collected from the site, preliminary design will be constructed to satisfy the clients request. Over the course of this task, multiple conceptual ideas and designs will be altered to ultimately present the most efficient design. Design development will include multiple phases regarding analysis, calculation, planning, and optimization will culminate in a final design.

  • Task 5.1: Develop Alternatives
  • Task 5.2: Identify Selection Criteria
  • Task 5.3: Best Alternative
Task 6: Final Site Design

The team would put together all elements of the project and analysis results to develop a final site design the incorporates all aspects necessary in the design and achieves all intended goals. The final site design will be compliant to all requirements set by the National Park Services and the client.

  • Task 6.1: Roadway Alignment and Geometry
  • Task 6.2: RV Pad Design 
  • Task 6.3: Post Development Hydrologic Analysis
  • Task 6.4: Drainage 
  • Task 6.5: Utility Coordination
Task 7: Develop Construction Cost Estimate

Once all aspects of the design are completed, a construction cost estimate will be developed for the client. The estimate will include items such as labor, materials, and equipment. Ensuring accuracy of the pricing of all aspects included in the estimate is crucial for a correct budget and timeline.

Task 8: Construction Plan Set

A clear and comprehensive construction plan set will be developed by the team which will include necessary visuals, specifications, and details for future construction of the design. 

  • Task 8.1: Cover Sheet 
  • Task 8.2: Existing Site Plans 
  • Task 8.3: Proposed Site Plans 
  • Task 8.4: Road Alignment and Profile
  • Task 8.5: Details
Task 9: Project Impacts

This property is designed from the start with “green property” in mind, making sure it has little to no impact on the surrounding environment and Chiricahua National Monument. The team must evaluate potential disturbances to flora, fauna, soil stability, and effectiveness of drainage systems in minimizing stormwater impacts on the surrounding ecosystem. All positive and negative impacts will be evaluated on an environmental, social, and economical level.

Task 10: Project Deliverables

Multiple deliverables will be required from the team during the CENE486 semester. Each deliverable will require separate aspects of the project to ensure smooth progression of the design. Lastly a final report and final presentation will be part of the final submittal.

  • Task 10.1: 30% Submittal 
  • Task 10.2: 60% Submittal 
  • Task 10.3: 90% Submittal 
  • Task 10.4: Final Submittal
Task 11: Project Management 

Through the entirety of the project, team members will rotate roles and responsibilities of the management of the project. The management side of the project consist of meetings between members, technical advisor, and grading instructor, in addition to schedule and resource management.

  • Task 11.1: Schedule Management 
  • Task 11.2: Resource Management 
  • Task 11.3: Meetings
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Gantt Chart

The total duration of the proposed project will be 123 days based on the 5-day work week schedule including federal holidays, taking into consideration the starting date of 11/12/24 due to starting the process of being granted lab access. All other work for this project will start 01/13/25 and ending date of 05/02/25.

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Staffing Table

This project has an estimated total of 660 hours of working hours required to complete. . The senior engineer will overlook the entire the project having final say on decision on the direction of the project, they will take around 10% of the total staffing hours. The engineer is responsible for technical task and will guide the EIT and EI, the engineering intern position will take around 30% of the staffing hours. Lastly, the engineer in training will invest the most time in the project, around 35% of the total hours.

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