Project Description

T​here are National Park Service (NPS) storage sheds that are within the bounds of the project area that must be accounted for in the design. The current water supply line runs to the North, from the NPS well-head to the monument housing building. There is also an ephemeral stream channel that is running along the northeast portion of the project area. This and the existing wellhead have potential standoff that will be considered within the project design.

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Project Location

This project is located at Chiricahua National Monument, in the southeast corner of Arizona, about 30 miles southeast of Wilcox.

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Project Tasks


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The staffing for the project is as follows:

Senior Engineer (SENG) - responsible for the oversight of the entire project. Estimated at 50.5 hours of work for project. Requires PE and Bachelor's degree.

Engineer (ENG) - Responsible for the technical core of the work. Estimated at 100 hours of project work. Requires PE and Bachelor's degree.

Engineer-in-Training (EIT) - recently drafted engineer, aids with design and drafting, but also assists in design and scheduling. Estimated at 196 hours of work for project. Requires FE and Bachelor's degree.

Intern (INT) - Assists EIT and ENG with design related tasks. Estimated at 165 hours of work. Requires enrollment in ABET accredited CE or EnvE program.

The below table details all of the staffing roles as well as the project hours per role per task.

Cost Of Engineering Services

This table reflects the project costs.

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