The goal of our project is to design a water reclamation facility expansion for the Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility in Goodyear, Arizona. The expansion is needed to accommodate for population growth in the area and will increase the facility’s capacity. The existing facility currently has an aeration tank, secondary sedimentation, tertiary filters, and chlorination tank. This project is part of the Arizona Water Environment Federation Student Competition. The competition requires us to evaluate a conventional activated sludge process, a membrane bioreactor process, and a third alternative of our choice.
Click below to find out more about our project!
The Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility is located in Goodyear, Arizona. Goodyear is located southwest of Phoenix, Arizona and south of the I-10.
Goodyear, AZ
Task 1 will be the preliminary project assessment. This task will focus on the preparation and research for our project. This will include completing the WEF student design competition entry form, research of additional treatment alternatives, and research of regulations that must be met.
Task 1.1: WEF Application
Task 1.2: Additional Treatments Research
Task 1.3: Research Regulations
Task 2 will be the site assessment for the project. We will attend a site visit at the Rainbow Valley Water Reclamation Facility. We will also analyze all provided data from the WEF competition. Along with the provided data, we will analyze the topography of the site.
Task 2.1: Site Visit
Task 2.2: Data Analysis
Task 2.3: Determine Topography
Task 3 will be the treatment design for our project. We will start with determining the plant requirements to ensure that all regulations are being followed. We will then design the preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, advanced treatment, disinfection, and solids management. For each part of the design, we will determine the criteria, develop alternatives, then select the best alternative using a decision matrix.
Task 3.1: Determine Plant Requirements
Task 3.2: Preliminary Treatment
Task 3.2.1: Determine Criteria
Task 3.2.2: Develop Preliminary Treatment Alternatives
Task 3.2.3: Select Best Alternative
Task 3.3: Primary Treatment
Task 3.3.1: Determine Criteria
Task 3.3.2: Develop Primary Treatment Alternatives
Task 3.3.3: Select Best Alternative
Task 3.4: Secondary Treatment
Task 3.4.1: Determine Criteria
Task 3.4.2: Develop Secondary Treatment Alternatives
Task 3.4.3: Select Best Alternative
Task 3.5: Advanced Treatment
Task 3.5.1: Determine Criteria
Task 3.5.2: Develop Advanced Treatment Alternatives
Task 3.5.3: Select Best Alternative
Task 3.6: Disinfection
Task 3.6.1: Determine Criteria
Task 3.6.2: Develop Disinfection Alternatives
Task 3.6.3: Select Best Alternative
Task 3.7: Solids Management
Task 3.7.1: Determine Criteria
Task 3.7.2: Develop Solids Management Alternatives
Task 3.7.3: Select Best Alternative
Task 4 will be our final design. We will make a site layout of our design using AutoCAD software. We will then conduct a hydraulic analysis of our final design. This will consist of a system analysis. Using the topography of the site and the layout of our design, we will create a hydraulic profile for all main paths throughout the plant and utilize tank elevations to maximize gravity flow throughout the plant. Based on the needs and head loss found from the hydraulic profile, we will select the appropriate pumps and pipe system. Following that, we will determine the necessary construction phasing to ensure the facility remains in operation during construction. Lastly, we will conduct an economic analysis. This will include the construction cost, maintenance and operation cost, and a life cycle cost analysis.
Task 4.1: Site Layout
Task 4.2: Hydraulic Analysis
Task 4.2.1: System Analysis
Task 4.2.2: Pump Selection
Task 4.3: Construction Phasing
Task 4.4: Economic Analysis
Task 4.4.1: Construction Cost
Task 4.4.2: Maintenance and Operation Cost
Task 4.4.3: Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Task 5 will be the project impact analysis. We will analyze all social, environmental, and economic impacts from our design.
Task 6 will be all project deliverables. The deliverables consist of a 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% design for CENE 486. Along with class deliverables, we will have a competition final report and a competition final presentation.
Task 6.1: 30% Deliverable
Task 6.2: 60% Deliverable
Task 6.3: 90% Deliverable
Task 6.4: 100% Deliverable
Task 6.5: Competition Final Report
Task 6.6: Competition Final Presentation
Task 7 will be project management, which will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. This will consist of meetings as a group, with our Technical Advisor and client. This also includes schedule management and resource management.
Task 7.1: Meetings
Task 7.2: Schedule Management
Task 7.3: Resource Management
The preliminary design schedule for this project illustrates when each task will start and finish. The milestones of the project include CENE 486 and WEF student design competition deliverables. The milestones are denoted by a diamond on the chart. The red highlight on the gantt chart is the critical path. Tasks included in the critical path must be completed on time in order for the project to finish before the end of the spring 2024 semester. The start date for the project is December 16th, 2023 and the end date for the project is May 7th, 2024. The duration of this project is 98 days.
The cost of engineering services for this project is comprised of three categories- personnel costs, travel costs, and supply costs.
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