City of flagstaff

Drywell feasibility study

Project Description

Currently, the City of Flagstaff (COF) sets design requirements on all new construction projects to address stormwater runoff quantity and quality. The city requires the use of detention and retention basins which utilize low impact development (LID) techniques in order to control peak discharge rates and runoff water quality within the city. Low impact development techniques aim to preserve pre-development watershed characteristics after the construction of new infrastructure. The purpose of this project is to assess the feasibility drywells as an LID stormwater management structure in Flagstaff.

Our Team

Abdulaziz Alkanderi

Project Engineer

Civil Engineer

Matthew Scragg

Project Manager

Civil Engineer

Tanner fuhrmann

Project Engineer

Civil Engineer


Dr. Bridget Bero

Project Grader

Techincal Advisor

Wilbert Odem

Technical Advisor


Douglas Slover

City of Flagstaff Stormwater Project Manager