Tasks and Schedule
Welcome to the Tasks and Schedule Page! Here, you will find information about the team's main tasks for this project. You can also view the schedules created for the Northern Arizona University Spring 2018 Term.
The team's project includes six major tasks that must be completed in order to successfully finish the project. A brief description of each major task is given:
- Site Investigation - The team will visit Montezuma Castle National Monument and assess the current parking lot conditions. They will also be given a tour of the facility and conduct a survey of the existing and proposed parking lot.
- Hydrology and Hydraulics - The team will create a map of the existing and proposed drainage basin at Montezuma Castle National Monument.
- Site Plan - The team's parking lot redesign will include sidewalks, a picnic area, and drop off zones for vehicles. Striping and signage will also be considered for the parking lot redesign.
- Traffic Analysis - An analysis of sight distances, stopping distances, conflict points, and traffic movement will be conducted at the intersection nearest to the existing parking lot.
- Impact Reports - Two reports will be created for the project: Hydrology and Hydraulic, and Traffic. Both will have information regarding the impacts the team's final design will have on Montezuma Castle National Monument.
- Construction Document - This will contain a full set of design drawings and a bid schedule for contractor pricing.
Below are the team's schedules for the Northern Arizona University Spring 2018 Terms. The project officially started on January 19, 2018 and will end on April 27, 2018.
Spring 2018 (Before Revision)
During the NAU Fall 2017 Term, our team created a schedule that would help us keep track of the tasks required to complete the project in 2018.
Spring 2018 (After Revision)
Over the course of the Spring 2018 Term, the schedule has undergone several changes, and a revised version is available below. Time management of certain tasks for the project is one of the main reasons why adjustments to the schedule were necessary.