There are many specific constraints for this project because it has to go to competition and has to follow a lot of rules. Listed below are some of the major constrains for the design.
Design Alternatives Options and Decision Matrices
The four different bridge designs that were analyzed using RISA 3-D were the Pratt, Howe, Double Warren, and Baltimore bridges.

Details and final design
The final design that was chosen, using the decision matrix, is the Pratt bridge design. The members will be a 1” by 1” hallow structural steel (HSS).
The thickness of the members has yet to be officially determined. The connections will be connected by plates on only two sides of the member.
There for only one bolt will be needed rather than two. This will save assembly time for competition.
The theme for our bridge is Northern Arizona University school spirit. Thus our bridge will have blue and gold coloring when it is painted.
We chose this theme because we are proud to be representing our school and we want to show that we have a lot of pride.
Gantt chart and internal team budgeting/time keeping (tasks vs. hours for each student/role).
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There are five roles that represent all of the different tasks that will be done.
The five roles are a senior engineer, another engineer, a lab technician, a fabricator, and a construction worker.
Each of the group members will play these roles, except for the fabrication role because that will be done by an actually steel fabricator.
The Gantt Chart shows the time frame for each of these tasks.