NAU Capstone Design Sequence |
Image Colorization extensions for Qview |
Project Overview: (SEE ALSO THIS POWERPOINT PRESENTATION)Develop black and white image pseudo-color tool. The Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS) is a software package used by the USGS Astrogeology Team to process and analyze digital imagery from NASA spaceflight missions such as Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Cassini, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Exploration Rover, Pathfinder, Viking, and Voyager. An integral application within ISIS is the image visualization tool “qview”, shown below. Research has shown humans are capable of discerning approximately 50 different levels of gray tones. Typically, imaging electronics record 8 to 16-bits of digital information at each pixel. Therefore, there are between 256 to 65536 different gray levels in an image. A standard image processing technique to overcome the human limitation involves pseudo-coloring an image. By colorizing a black and white image, subtle changes in pixel levels can be visualized by a scientist in their research. For example, the image on left is a topography model where pixels represent elevation. On the right is a simple example of a pseudo-colored image using continuous color tables. “Qview” is highly modular, tool-based visualization program. The toolbar on the right side of program has many tools which allow a user to manipulate an image including zoom, pan, measure, edit, and stretch. The objective of this project is to develop a pseudo-color tool within qview. Capabilities of the tool will include:
The capstone team will be expected to: