Web-based User Management Package
Sponsor Information:
Deborah Lee Soltesz, dsoltesz@usgs.gov
Stuart C. Sides, ssides@usgs.gov
US Geological Survey, 2255 N. Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Here is the
Powerpoint presentation Deb gave on this project
Project Overview:
Several in-house projects are planned or underway that need user login,
account management, and user interface customization. A generic, database
driven user management package that centralizes user information, authenticates
users entering from any of a number of web-based applications, and can
contain application-specific user information (such as privileges, queue
priority, and style sheet preferences) is needed. The package will need
to have a stand-alone web-based user interface so users and administrators
can access accounts, and have an application interface other applications
can use to authenticate users and retrieve user information. Password
security is an important consideration.
Prerequisites: |
Required: Ability to read and code Java and HTML 4.0 (minimum).
Sufficient knowledge of databases to learn, configure, and set up
a mySQL-compatible database.Useful: Understanding of designing for
accessibility (specifically in regards to the Federal Rehabilitation
Act 1998 Amendments, Section 508). Ability to design and implement
Java Servlets and Java Server Pages using Tomcat. Understanding
of Apache/NCSA web server.
Optional: Ability to read and code JavaScript.
Equipment Requirements: |
Because Java and SQL are fairly platform independent and Apache
is available for a variety of platforms, the team only needs access
to any machine with these software resources available. If time
allows, the final product will be installed on the USGS TerraWeb
web server for testing and final demonstrations.The target system
is a Dell PowerEdge 2400 running SuSE Linux, Tomcat, and Apache.
Deliverables: |
The team is expected to deliver:
- a working, maintainable, scalable package that is a solution
to the stated problem;
- well documented code;
- manuals for programmers, system/database/web administrators;
- and online, context-sensitive help;
A demonstration of the package should include a secondary web application
that uses the package for authentication before allowing the user
to access to content, as well as a demonstration of the stand-alone
user management functionality.
Electronic delivery of all documentation in PDF, HTML, or Microsoft
Word is preferred. Documentation and reports should be formatted
so they will make usable two-sided hardcopies, are readable on a
computer screen, and can easily be converted for use on a 16-bit
color personal digital assistant whenever possible.
All deliverables should follow basic accessibility standards that
will allow us to use and distribute the information, maintaining
compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Amendments of 1998,
Section 508.