NAU MAchine Shop




Today we have modified shop hours. The shop is open today from:

2:00 PM -3:40 PM

5:30 PM - 7:00 PM 

Shop is closed during ME286L Labs 

January 30th, 2023

 We are othering Safety Training on Friday's from 1 - 4 PM.   Please sign up hereand pick a time slot to for the safety training. Please make sure you wear pants, closed towed shoes, and socks for the safety training. Allow 45 min to complete the safety training.

We are offering Advanced Machine Shop Training (Vertical MIll and Machine Lathe) on Saturday's. Before signing up for advance machine shop training make sure you have completed the safety training first. Please sign up here and pick a time slot to for the safety training. Please make sure you wear pants, closed towed shoes, and socks for the safety training. Allow 6-8 hrs to complete the asvanced training.   


January 9th, 2023:

 Welcome Back! The shop is open with limited hours this week (1/9/23 -1/13/23)

 Monday: 10 - 6 PM

 Tuesday: 10 - 5 PM



 January 9th, 2023:

 Work Order link is now working. Please place all shop work order links by selecting the work link below. 



Please click on the following diagram to recieve more information.

Safety Training

Accident Procedures


Work Order


Check List:

1. Use NAU email
2. Solidworks Part (SLDPRT)
3. Approved Solidworks Drawing (PDF)

- Must have Advisors Approval Signature

- Manufacturable

- Properly Dimensioned

- Use Machine Shop Template A or B



Work Order Form

*Click on the link to open form

Our Team


Perry G. Wood, P.E

Instructional Lab Cd, Sr-SPF

Henry Van Zuyle

Lab Aide\Teacher Aide

Travis Harrison

Lab Aide\Teacher Aide

Willem Spencer

Lab Aide\Teacher Aide

Scott Mesoyedz

Lab Aide\Teacher Aide



Spring 2023 Shop Schedule





Virtual Reality Shop Tour


Click Here