
Light Dose Tensegrity Medical

Welcome to our Mechanical Engineering Capstone Website! All relevant information about our project, including team members, sponsors, and important documents, is available for your review. This capstone project allows us to apply everything we have learned in our classes throughout the years. This project has been a learning experience for everyone on our team and we are excited to share all our dedication and project development.

Meet The Team


Alicia Corona


Claire Mitchell


Norma Munoz

Meet the Client & Mentors




Mentor 1


Mentor 2

Project Description

The purpose of our project is to create a device focused on revolutionizing cardiovascular health monitoring through advanced photobiomodulation (PBM). Our innovative tool utilizes red LED lights and infrared sensors to enhance cellular function, promote tissue repair, and reduce inflammation, while accurately monitoring blood flow and oxygen circulation in real time. Featuring a convenient rechargeable battery, this non-invasive solution is designed for use in various environments, including medical institutions, rehabilitation centers, military applications, sports teams, etc.  This project tasks a team of students to design, test and develop their skills   

To complete this, we are partnering with the Electrical Engineering (EE) and Computer Science (CS) Capstone program to foster teamwork skills and enhance project development. Our aim is to empower individuals with valuable insights into their cardiovascular health, promoting proactive management and prevention while making advanced health monitoring accessible to everyone.   
