Courtney Hiatt

About Me

My name is Courtney Hiatt, and I am the project manager, one of the test engineers, and the web developer for this project. I have always had an adventurous spirit, and through my college experience I prioritized not only my university education, but also developed my social and professional skills by applying to internships in random locations throughout the world and traveling wherever the internships landed me. Because of this, I had the opportunity to intern at Shamrock Foods in Phoenix, the Savannah River Environmental Field Station in South Carolina, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington. These internships allowed me to pursue my passion of working in renewable energy and sustainable production while gaining the priceless skills of maneuvering life in new locations surrounded by new people.

I have my A.S. in chemistry and am receiving my B.S. in mechanical engineering because of my interest in research and sustainable engineering. Through this project, I have gained experience researching materials related to their latent and sensible heat properties. I learned how to build a system in a team environment and had the opportunity to work with coding an Arduino with thermocouple sensors. I thoroughly enjoy working with MATLAB and building the website and took on many of the roles working on those respective skills. I hope to work long term in research and eventually receive my PhD.