After analysing and redesigning the final design, the team began testing. The first test was to build scaled prototypes of the interior wing structure to test their validity. The tests consits of two weight based tests and one torque test.
The weight tests consisted of adding weight to the center of the wing and see how much weight it could hold before breaking. Then after securing one of the wing, weight was added to the unsecured end until failure. The torque test was conducted after one end was secured and the free end was measured.
The next series of tests wil be to build a skeleton plane to see if the current design will be able to glide. The glide test was conducted with great success with both style of wings.
The next series of testing is focused on the final design. The tests conducted are a take off test, landing test, Payload test, Thrust and Lift tests. Each will be explained further in their respective sections.