Melissa Parsons is the Project Lead for the SAE Aero Micro team. She is also the CAD manager and Webmaster. She currently is a double major student at Northern Arizona Univeristy. Her first degree being Mechanical Engineering, the second being Comparative cultural studies with an East Asian emphasis. Along with a minor in Japanese.
Melissa was able to participate in NAU's Interdisiplinary Global Program and studied abroad at Kyushu University in Fukuoka Japan
The focus of Melissa's research at Kyushu and NAU has been rehabilitation exo-skeletons. She was the project manager of an ankle exo-skeleton at NAU and a member that was focused on redesign of a lower limb exo-skeleton at Kyushu Universities Robotics Lab.
At Kyushu University Melissa focused on redesign and general maintenance of the lower limb exo-skeleton.
Part of NAU's capstone program, the Ankle Exo-skeleton was designed for chlidren with Cerebral Paulsy. Melissa was project manager for the team.