Louie Robot

Project Description
The Louie Robot Project’s goal is to create a life size humanoid robot in the image of Northern Arizona University’s mascot Louie the Lumberjack. The sponsor is Dr. Andy Wang Dean of Engineering, the stakeholders are Dr. Willy, and NAU. The goal of the project is to represent the NAU Engineering department as a multigenerational and multidisciplinary project that improves every year with new teams. Upon completion the robot should be able to exemplify the capability of all Engineering students. This will not just represent the department, but NAU. The robot should be able to move around at football games and around campus.

Louie Robot sponsored by Dean Andy Wang with the motivation being to inspiring future engineers to attend NAU

Design Features
Robot will be designed with movement, arm and hand gesturing, facial expressions, sensors for safety, rechargeable base, and built for expansion

Legacy Invention
Robot will incorporate a modular design with multiple fields continuing the innovation and design

Team Photo Placeholder