Wear Mask! Save Yourself! Save Others!
Find Out MoreThe purpose of the project is to design such a mask that will use for protecting from Covid-19 and also helps in breathing easily. It is a normal practice during the pandemic that people wear the masks but it makes them irritating after sometime and it becomes difficult to wear the mask for long time and hence the chance of spreading corona virus increases. Also, wearing regular masks covers the face and difficult to do the communication with others and usually it has seen that understating the words of presenter (wearing mask) is difficult and also sometimes visually seeing the face expression help in understand the others and it makes easy to do the communication but with the mask these things are not possible and non-verbal communication does not remain a way to do the communication while wearing the mask. In order to overcome all these issues, this project is designing a mask that helps communicating, and also makes easy to do the inhalation and exhalation process. The mask has designed that is easy to wear for long time and it helps in breathing with the presence of respiratory system of inflowing oxygen through the fan and through the filter as well. The requirement of the project was to design a mask through which non-verbal communication is possible and it can use some electronics to help in communicating with others verbally through the use of mic and loud speaker. It can wear for long time without facing any trouble of inhaling and exhaling and it also protect from carrying any corona virus and along with that also keep safe from the dust. With all these features present in the device a design has made that covers the face properly and provides a filter that control the dirt particles but allow the regular air to goes in. And it also provides the pressure transducer to check the inside and outside pressure and when the pressure inside the mask drops, a fan will provide the respiratory flow of air into the mask and hence the inhaling and exhaling of oxygen will be easy and user will not feel any difficulty in wearing the mask. Along with that a small mic and speaker is present on the mask to do the communication easily.
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