This project is about the learning of children and require such a product which can display in the Wonder Factory and provide the education to the children's. That's why we are going to implement word because it is useful for learning. In word Puzzle, alphabets will interchange their position and make new words. So, word will help in good learning and will increase the dictionary of students. A word where we will have a letter covered in Velcro material and that will be the learning phase.
(Spring 2018)
(Summer 2018)
(Spring 2018)
(Summer 2018)
(CAD Design )
( Capture Board)
( Capture Catapult )
(Final design )
(Final CAD design)
Project Manager
Bader ALshammari
Client Contact
Shamlan Alshammari
Website Developer
Mohammad Alsaidi
Budget Holder
Mohammad Alotaibi