Staff Meeting #6

Monday, 16 October 2017 2:00-3:15 PM

Minutes Recorded by: Nicolas Russell

Meeting Called by: Dr. Trevas

Attendees: Jourdan Gill, Matthew Marty, Regis Rumfola, Nicolas Russell

Table 1: Record of Meeting

2:00-2:40 PM

Begin Meeting:

  1. Start skype call with Dave and Kayla

  2. Scope Change

  3. We are now looking specifically at materials that are better for wear and corrosion

  4. Focusing on the armature, stop assembly, and poker

  5. The problem right now is the poker snaps to one side and drags across that side

EGR 323

2:40-3:15 PM

After Phone Call discussion with Dr. Trevas

  1. Went through ideas on the board of how to solve the wear problem

  2. Came up with a guide rod that will not all the poker to move from side to side

  3. We also looked into using roller bearings on the poker in order to keep it from moving around

  4. Lastly we thought about using air, similar to a hockey table, to keep the poker from moving around

EGR 323

Table 2: Tasks assigned:


Person Assigned:

Due Date:

Finish Individual Analysis, Email Honeywell with new questions

Jourdan Gill


Finish Individual Analysis, keep researching materials

Nicolas Russell


Finish Individual Analysis, look into synthetic diamonds

Regis Rumfola


Finish Individual Analysis, look into the hockey table idea

Matthew Marty
