The Wonder Factory (TWF) is a science and engineering center that provides communities with opportunities to present classroom learning through interactive displays. These displays engage the user in performing tasks to understand underlying curriculum associated with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM).
"The Wonder Factory's goal is to lead the next generation of young minds into their place as the thinkers, the makers, and the creators of the future through hands-on interactions with (STEAM)." -TWF
Team E has a total of three members that are determined to design and construct an interactive display that educates the youth about one or multiple STEAM concepts. The interactive display that Team E builds will positively influence the Flagstaff community by getting their residents more aware and knowledgeable about STEAM.
London Starlin is Team E's project manager. She will be managing the team and making sure team members are focused throughout the capstone project. As project manager, London will coordinate with other team members regarding project specifics and making sure all team members are on task. This job will be essential in making sure the project is progressing and moving forward so that deadlines are met. London is an ENFJ. She prides herself in integrity and dedication in whatever she puts her mind to. She is responsible and a prompt communicator. She might be a perfectionist but this will help with making sure material is up to stakeholder's expectations and that the project is well conveyed to other team members.
Abdullah Alshammari is the chief communication specialist. He will be contacting customers through email, obtaining important needs on the project, and relaying any important information to team members. During scheduled meeting with customers and visiting the Wonder Factory site, he will oversee keeping documentation ordered and easy to reference. Other team members will also be asking questions for potential data to find customer needs and expectations of the interactive display but Abdullah will be filing this data. He will also be in charge of ensuring contact between members and making sure other team members are communicating and well informed with the on goings of the project. Abdullah is an ISDJ. He skilled in communication which will be a prominent factor when having to contact clients and team members. He is also skilled in writing which will benefit the project when it comes to reports.
Mohammed Kattan is the Team's budget liaison. He will oversee finding potential funding/sponsorship for the project. This position is tied to coordination with other team members for the budgeting section. After deliberation on customer needs, engineering requirements, and other important data the design ideas will be narrowed down. The final design has been chosen based upon important information including a well-planned budget. Mohammed is an EITP. He is great at time management, being reliable, and a problem solver. This will help the team by coming up with great strategic design ideas. Mohammed might get nervous when deadlines are approaching but he is not a procrastinator. This will maintain a steady reliable person to make sure all deadlines are met.
The following links are our reports and presentations throughout the duration of both capstone sessions.
First Report First Presentation
Preliminary Report Preliminary Presentation
Final Proposal Final Presentation
Feel free to visit our GoFundMe account and donate towards The Wonder Factory Capstone Team!
Or please donate to our sponsor, The Wonder Factory to show your support of a STEAM center in Flagstaff, Arizona!
The Wonder Factory Capstone Team E has selected a simple hydraulics system as its interactive display. Children will be learning the fundementals of fluid power by engaging with our hydraulic lift which is displayed below. We chose this design based not only on customer requirements but it teaches a phenomenon that can be seen in everyday life. Hydraulics are in construction equiptment, elevators, and even lawn mowers. The hydraulic lift includes a 12 foot ramp that leads to an inclosed lifting platform. We want our display to be inclusive and allow everyone to be able to interact with our display.