So in case you were wondering what this is all about ...
The Wonder Factory is an up-and-coming community science center located in Flagstaff Arizona. The center is founded by Steve and Jackee Alston,
a husband and wife who are locals in Flagstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Alston (having careers in the technical field) are passionate about fostering the interest of science,
technology, engineering and math with the younger generation. And what better way to do this,
than with a science center in Flagstaff. Studies have shown that “visual and verbal elements complement each other and promote effective learning” .
The capstone team’s objective with the Wonder Factory is to create a variety of fun and innovative exhibit ideas for this new science center. The exhibit must portray one or more STEM centered subjects that integrate a fun and interesting learning aspect.
Ultimately the team will fabricate a final design idea that not only follows the customer’s requirements, but an exhibit that is fully functional and ready to use for Wonder factory events.