Team Member

NAU Senior  Mechanical Engineering Major and Math Minor Undergraduate  with expected graduation date December 2010. In charge of secretarial duties, project scheduling, and overseeing of progress.

Project Interests:

I am interested in this project because space exploration has always fascinated me. Vibration in general is a new concept in problem analysis, and I feel confident that I will be able to figure out the analysis and come up with solutions that will be both efficient and cost effective.



Recreational outdoor activities, music, and sports.  I like to find myself doing pretty much anything outdoors from rafting down a river to camping on the side of a mountain. As for music, I have a wide range of music that is appealing to listen to play.  When it comes to sports I have not really done much since High School, however, I would like to play some more soon.


Lessons Learned:

Well, I must say that I again found myself thinking a project would be nice and simple with everything we needed to complete the project would be easy to find, very straightforward thought approach.  This approach did not work well. I have also learned a great deal about vibration that has inspired me to learn more about. I will be taking a vibration class now before I graduate.

Project Manager

Bryan Cook

Phone: 928-242-4419

Bryan Cook in capstone room

Design For Practice

Northern Arizona University