Phillip Rullman


3901 East Coyote Lane

Flagstaff, AZ 86004

(928) 527.9017



Objective:              Mechanical engineer position


Education:         Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, 1997-2002

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

                                    Graduation on May 10, 2002

                                    Dean’s Honor List 1998-2002

                                    Cumulative G.P.A:  3.91/4.0


Experience:        Research Assistant, Northern Arizona University in collaboration with NASA-AMES Research Center, June 2001-September 2001

·        Evaluated the 3-dimensionality of flow over various airfoils using the OVERFLOW code and Fieldview software on a Linux operating system.


Desk Staff, Dubois Conference Center, Northern Arizona University, May 1999-August 1999

·        Arranged conference rooms and equipment


Skills:                Computer

·       Windows 95/98/2000/NT, MacOS, and some Unix (SunOS, Linux) operating system experience

·       AutoCAD 2000, Mechanical Desktop, and COSMOS/Geostar drawing and finite element software

·       Microsoft Office 2000 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

·       Programming experience using Java



·       Basic machine shop, welding, and automotive skills


Activities:             Member Tau Beta Pi, Arizona Gamma Chapter

Personal interests include outdoor sports, travel, and cars

Volunteer teaching rock climbing basics to children and adults


References:            Available upon request