The containment system will prevent the lead acid batteries,
or any components thereof, from entering the passenger compartment in the
event of a collision.
The batteries are to be mounted on the vehicle frame behind
the passenger compartment, and will consist of eighteen Trojan T-105 lead
acid batteries. The mounting configuration will consist of three rows of
six batteries each, all mounted at the same height.
The containment system will be chemically isolated from the
The containment system will allow for the ventilation of
the batteries to prevent the build-up of hydrogen gas.
The containment system will allow for the ease of cleaning
the batteries.
Nonfunctional Requirements
The top surface of the battery containment system will be
designed to allow for the use of decorative wood slats, similar to those
slats used to line the bed of the vehicle.
The containment system will be sized to allow the vertical
sides of the vehicle bed to be removed without requiring removal of the
containment system.