

 Angle of Twist

q = T*L/C2*a*b^3*G


T = Torque applied

L = Length of neck

C2 = Constant (0.2536667)

a = width of neck

b = height of neck

G = modulus of Rigidity




Using Castigliano's theorem to calculate the deflection for


P=0 Lbs

Q=120 Lbs

M=120 Lbs * 2.5 in

= 300 Lb*in

s = P/A

t = Mc/I


I(prototype) = 1/4P*(.25in)^4 = 0.003068in^4

I(redesign) = 1/4P*[(.375in)^4 – (.3125in)^4] = 0.00804in^4

E(prototype) = 30*10^6 psi

E(redesign) = 2*10^6 psi


M = PR*(1-cosq) + QR*sin q + Mo


Deflection at joint

d = (1/EI)*[120Lbs*(R)^3*300Lb*in]



Deflection along neck

(Analyzed as a cantilever beam)


d = (PL^3)/3EI = (ML^2)/3EI


M = 120Lbs*0.5in = 60 Lb*in


I(prototype) = 1/4P*(.25in)^4 = 0.003068in^4

I(redesign) = 1/8*P*(3/4in)^4 + (0.50*(3/4)^3)/12 = 0.14183in^4

E(prototype) = 30*10^6 psi

E(redesign) = 2*10^6 psi



The bending due to string load at the end of the neck = bending of joint to body * (14.25/2.25) + bending of neck.


This yields a deflection of less than one tenth of an inch at the end of the neck in both instances (prototype and redesign).


Tennius Olsen Testing of Epoxy bond strength


Shear strength = Force / Area


It took 500Lb’s force to shear a 1.5 square inch bonded area from a test piece of fiberglass.


Therefore shear strength equals 500Lb/1.5in^2 which is 333.3333 psi.


The bridge loading is 120 Lbs/ 4in^2 = 30psi.


The bond strength provides a factor of safety of greater than 10.















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