The basic concept involves a series of three mirrors working in conjunction to capture an image. With the combined information from the three mirrors a very high-resolution image can be obtained. Below, in Fig. 1, is an over head picture of the optical interferometer.
A series of mirrors used to reflect the light captured
by the interferometer are enclosed and protected in large cans called periscope
cans which can weigh up to 1 ton. During construction and maintenance these
cans need to be lifted and moved.
The objective is to design and build a crane device that can accomplish this task within the confines of a highly constrained room. A system to move these cans must be designed before this $20,000,000 project can proceed. Shown below is a picture of the cans inside of the room (Fig. 2).
As you can see, this room is very crowded giving the
lifting design little room to operate within. Also in the picture you can
see the old crane which is insufficient to accomplish the task at hand.
Once new pipes are installed during construction (shown in figure 3), this
old crane will be completely disabled.