We are the NAU CWC 2022 Electrical Engineer Team. It is our responsibility to design and implement the electronics for a wind turbine for the NAU CWC Team. In May 2022 we will take the wind turbine to Texas to compete in the Collegiate Wind Competition, competing against other university's from across the United States.
We are a team of 5 Electrical Engineering students studying at Northern Arizona University. Each individual has a link to renewable energy and has the desire to pursue working in the renewable sector in the future.

Wind energy, time to use it
In the CWC Electrical Engineering team, it is our role to design and implement the key electrical components of the wind turbine, as well as a the safety system. The key components include, but are not limited to, an AC/DC Converter, DC/DC Converter, PCB Board, Load, Arduino Control System, Motor.
The safety system includes a braking system that will be tested as part of the competition, and using the control system to make sure the Turbine voltage does not reach or go higher than 48 V.
Each team member has been assigned a key component that will require prototypes, initial designs, and testing.

"The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind"
Bob Dylan, 1962

Component Research, Document Coordinator, Analog to Digital Conversion Team, Treasurer
Contact at: cmh789@nau.edu