Capstone presentation - a presentation of the overall goal of the project and the background of our client Dr. Hepp and the purpose of her research in retrieving mosquitoes.
Prototypes - a demonstration of the potential sensors we would use in our circuit to detect the mosquitoes inside the trap; our prototypes were not successful to the level of our standards.
Design Review 2 Report - a final report at the end of the first semester of capstone describing all tasks and milestones completed thus far and future plans for completing the project, such as project background, research conducted, prototypes and findings, flowchart, and feasibility plan for upcoming semester.
Schedule presentation - a presentation at the beginning of a second semester of capstone covering the potential goals and schedule planned for the upcoming semester in order to have a completed and working project.
Design Review 3 presentation - a midterm presentation that outlines our projects’ progress, the team members responsibilities, explain our subsystems functions and what is planned for the future.
Design Review 4 presentation - a final presentation summation of our entire project for the past year. The presentation included, the final result/product of our project and the tasks, difficulties, testing, simulations and build that led to our final product.
Design Review 4 Report and User Manual - A final report summing the entire project with a view of the final result of the project. The user manual was generated to give a clear understanding of how the product works, how it must be installed and how to maintain the product.