Krista Branch is a physical therapist in Flagstaff, AZ. The project will stay in her posession for years to come for current and future students.
The two students that Krista currently has in mind are a middle schooler and high schooler that she works with through the Flagstaff School District. The students have never experienced independent mobility and their wheelchairs are currently pushed by someone else.
Each member on our team had various reasons for choosing this project. Some people were excited about being local and working within our community. Others were excited about the technology we could develop to further our knowledge. One common feature we all had was our desire to help. This project is more than just our capstone; it is something that will have a positive impact on lives for years to come. We are giving independent mobility to students who have not had this opportunity. We understand the need and it only motivates us more to succeed.
We are a group of seniors in Electrical Engineering studying at Northern Arizona University. This project is our year long capstone for the academic year of 2017-2018.
This site will progress as the project does. Check back in for updates and the current status of the project.