Bark Beetle Team
Welcome to Bark Beetle Team's main page for 2016 Capstone Project at Northern Arizona University.
Our focus is to observe, analyse, and suppress the infestation of beetles across the forests of the world, particularly at Coconino National Forest. With the help of our clients, Richard Hofstetter, Ph.D., and assistant Reagan McGuire, we are gathering the research based on extensive tests made on behaviour, mating, and seasonal characteristics to effectively target them in a controlled manner. With the ultimate goal to divert, reduce, and eliminate these pests that continue to destroy the forests across the globe.
The team's presentation occured on April 29th, 2016.
Thank you all for coming and attending our presentation.
Richard Hofstetter, Ph.D.
Reagan McGuire, Assistant
Bin, Junchi
Perez, Abel
Rhyne, Alejandro
Vicente, Keith
Yazzie, Wesley