NAU Collegiate Wind Competition EE Team

We are the Electrical Engineering team for the Northern Arizona University Collegiate Wind Competition. Our project is to construct a small wind turbine for testing at the National Collegiate Wind Competition in May 2014. Our team is specifically responsible for designing and creating the charging and controls systems for the turbine.

                       Capstone Team Members:
Mariflor Caronan
Andrew Hoffman
Ian Mason
Jared Parks
Jonathan Pepper
Carlos Tarango



Within the University, we are recieveing assistance from the following faculty:

David Willy, Professor of Mechanical Engineering,


Karin Wadsack, Project Director at the Institute for Sustainable Energy Solutions


Faculty Technical Advisor, Dr. Allison Kipple.


Outside the University, we are receiving assistance from the following two sponsors:


Department of Energy through the Wind Powering America Initiative



National Renewable Energy Laboratory whom is the facilitator for the collegiate wind competition in Las Vegas



Presentation in Las Vegas and CEFNS UGRADS

The team would like to formally invite you to the National Collegiate Wind Competition on May 5-7, 2014 which is being held in Las Vegas. Additionally, the team formally invites you all to come and watch our presenation and poster display at the CEFNS Undergraduate Research and Design Symposium (UGRADS) on April 25th, 2014.