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Previous: Background
Radiation particle packages are written largely by physicists without
formal backgrounds in computer science. Learning the intricacies of
distributed computing and applying it to a project increases the time
of development and may compromise the correctness of that project.
More specifically, the business issues surrounding the parallelization
of radiation transport packages are as follows:
- Parallel training increases project times.
- Parallel computation is not germain to many package developers
fields and can be viewed as a waste of resources.
- Efficiency and correctness of parallelization requires
experience and knowledge of architectures that many radiation
transport developers lack.
- Currently, each developer is approaching the parallelization
problem differently. The absence of a common structure makes this
class of code difficult to maintain.
- Current parallelization techniques used are not conducive to
future changes, such as:
- increased scalability
- load balancing
- optimization techniques
- Current parallelizations are not abstracted from the code to
support adaption to new parallelization technology.
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Up: Problem Statement
Previous: Background
Tue Apr 11 23:58:21 MST 2000